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The Realm: Box Set - Parts 1 to 5 (Realm of Angels Series, Book One) Page 3

  Adonari pitched in a tree near the Amethyst gate. He sat staring into the deepness of the outer bands of the heavenly realm. This was the realm where the Spirit of The Lord hovered over the deepness.

  He was not alone.

  Nearby Gladaro, a seraphim flapped his angelic wings and with perfect precision pitched in front of Adonari.

  The Seraphims were ten times the size of a cherubim like Adonari.

  “Have you heard?” said Gladaro. Adonari stared into Gladaro’s face which blocked his way.

  “And what are you speaking of?” said Adonari.

  “You need to stop hanging around the gate like you are searching for something. What you are searching for you will soon find,” said Gladaro.

  “Really? I don’t know what you are talking–”

  “Let’s cut to the chase shall we.” said Gladaro. “Everyone is talking about it. You shouldn’t be so disconnected my friend.”

  “Seraphims and Cherubims are hardly friends,” said Adonari.

  “True. But that’s not our fault now is it,” said Gladaro with a smirk.

  “Maybe Lucifer has something to do with that. Don’t you think?” said Adonari.

  Gladaro stretched his massive wings that were the size of Saturn. In the heavenly realm everything was super-sized.

  “Shh-shh,” said Gladaro as he raised his wing to his lips. “You shouldn’t speak so loudly there Cherubim.

  “Loud? You forget The Almighty is omnipresent. There are no secrets in heaven. You actually believe The Almighty is not aware that Lucifer is planning to overthrow heaven?”

  “Look, Adonari. You’re going to have to choose a side,” said Gladaro, now taking wings to flight and hovering in the air before Adonari.

  Adonari flew up into the air in front of Gladaro’s face.

  “You seem to be Lucifer’s spokesperson. Tell me, why does he feel he can overthrow the Almighty One?” said Adonari.

  “That’s easy. Project Terra Nova,” said Gladaro.

  “What are you talking–”

  “Adonari, you really need to get out more often.”

  “Lucifer, er – Son of the Morning Star told us of The Almighty’s plans. The Almighty had a meeting with the Council of Archangels, including Lucifer and The Four and Twenty Elders and told them of his experiment in free will. He plans on creating a race of terrestrial beings on that little ball of nothing they are calling The New Earth.”

  “Really?” said Adonari.

  “These terrestrials are going to be made a little lower than us in power and dominion,” said Gladaro. “When Son of the Morning Star heard about it, he saw a way to carry out the overthrow. These terrestrial beings, called humans are the key. They will have free will of a different kind,”

  Adonari stared at Gladaro in silence.

  “Most of the Cherubims and Seraphims are on board,” said Gladaro.

  “We will need you soon because The Almighty has finished creating the terrestrials. Soon be our time it will,” said Gladaro.

  Adonari slowly descended back to the limb he was sitting on.

  Gladaro followed and stood back in front of him just as before.

  “I don’t think I want to be a part of that. It sounds too risky,” said Adonari.

  “What’s risky is not joining the revolution,” Gladaro said.

  Before Gladaro could finish, Lucifer appeared behind him from thin air.


  Lucifer, being an Archangel, was ten times the size of a seraphim. Adonari knew him by his scent. Normally angels had no smell but Lucifer was developing a very distinct odor kind of like the smell of one hundred year old manna bread that had crusted old and wet with the heavenly mist.

  Lucifer realizing he was too large for conversation reduced his size to Gladaro’s height.

  The Son of The Morning Star was as beautiful as the heavens declared. His hair was a flowing auburn mane that reached behind him and rested in the mid-blade where his wings joined attached. His outer covering was a soft golden skin for angels wore no clothes. He like the others angels had sexual organs but these remained hidden until they were about to have sex. After the act the organs would disappear again. Angels were forbidden to have sex in heaven and only fallen angels outside of heaven had sex.

  Lucifer’s ears were made of circular brass rings that piped music in octaves only the heavenly realm could hear.

  But he stopped playing music – the kind that praised The Almighty.

  Lucifer’s wings were a pale red for he was an Archangel. They were almost tea rose and the feathers had a stronger grade than those of the Cherubims and Seraphims.

  The Cherubims and Seraphims had off-white, cream colored wings.

  Lucifer’s face was a beautiful bronze and he had eyes that mesmerized. All angels had noses but without holes for they didn’t breath air in heaven.

  The Almighty was their sustenance. The breath of their lives, the glory of The Almighty was.

  Lucifer’s neck was tall and kept his head higher above his shoulders.

  When he spoke, he sang. The lilt in his voice made even Seraphims tremble with adulation and fear.

  Oh, the smooth calm of Lucifer’s voice felt like a cool summer day on Earth resting on a hammock in the white and yellow lily covered prairies of the Serengeti plains sipping chilled lemonade, perfectly sweetened, as the cool breeze swept up and over one’s soul and slowly and gently tickling the leaves of the large Acacia trees that cradled the hammock and breathed coolness between the shade. Lucifer’s whisper teased and seduced the soul into compliance.

  “You should listen to him,” said Lucifer staring at Adonari. “You shan’t regret it.”

  Lucifer gently brushed Gladaro aside. Gladaro complied.

  “I’ll take it from here,” said Lucifer with a smile.

  Adonari felt a tremor vibrate his insides with every word that resonated from Lucifer’s lips.

  “Adonari… Adonari. Ugghh. I have never liked those chosen names. I have renamed everyone on my side and I now call you Victor. Yes, Victor it is,” said Lucifer smiling ferociously.

  “Victor, all that is said is true, every bit of it. Times are changing and it would be a shame to leave you out. Well, when we win, I’ll just destroy you and everyone else on the losing side. You know I don’t want to leave you out, but I will. I will,” said Lucifer.

  As Adonari turned his eyes from Lucifer, a Legion of Angels, Seraphims and Cherubims flew overhead. Ten Thousand they numbered.

  Zorona, a Seraphim and leader of that Legion, left them in mid air and swooped down beside Lucifer. Adonari kept silent.

  “What have we here,” Zorona said. “Son of the Morning Star, Adonari.”

  Zorona nodded to them. Adonari stared at Zorona. Zorona is one of the guards that oversee the central region of The Almighty’s throne room in the center of heaven.

  “Zorona, you’re a tad bit off your course,” Adonari said. “Shouldn’t you be guarding the throne room or something?”

  “I am Vander now,” said Zorona. “Zorona is no more and if you knew what I knew, you too would abandon The Not So Mighty and His Throne Room.”

  Lucifer smiled.

  “You too Zorona?” Adonari said. “You too?”

  “I –”

  “No worries,” Lucifer said cutting off Zorona.

  “You see that Legion that’s hovering up there? They are with me. Most of heaven is with me. We have more power together and can overthrow The Almighty as long as we stick together. Think about it. If he has really been all knowing why haven’t he stopped us and we have been planning this right in his face? If he had so much power why isn’t he stopping us? Why is he so silent? He is silent because the truth is our collective power is greater than his. He made a mistake when he gave his angels free will. Don’t you see he cannot stop it,” said Lucifer.

  Adonari thought for a moment.

  “Look, I have to go,” said Adonari and he took to flight high above the tree limb wher
e he was sitting.

  Gladaro motioned to take off after him. Lucifer braced his wing against Gladaro.

  “ No. Don’t bother. He’ll see for himself,” said Lucifer as Adonari darted through the Legion that hovered above. A few Seraphims moved out of the way to let him pass.

  3(2)(b). The Realm- Chapter 6 - Rumors of Rebellion.

  Chapter 6 – Rumors of Rebellion.

  Above heaven’s holy city the noise of confusion and rebellion faded the farther from the throne room he flew.

  Could we really be on the verge of rebellion? Adonari thought.

  Why was The Almighty so silent? Why hasn’t he fought back? Lucifer’s words came flooding back in his mind. Maybe The Almighty could not stop it. How can one so All-Powerful be so helpless and weak? Adonari thought long and hard.

  I will be left out if all of heaven sides with Lucifer. Adonari had to be prepared for what seemed like the inevitable.

  He darted through the air to visit his best friend Zorona who worked near the Beryl Gate. Zorona, a Cherubim, was in training to guard the Throne Room.

  Zorona provided security detail for the Beryl Gate during his time off from training. He was part of F.A.S.T., “Flying Anointed Squad Trust”, an elite squad of Cherubims that were like the S.W.A.T. team of heaven. They would later be responsible for slaying the first born in Egypt during Israel’s enslavement.

  The Trust was serious in battle and greatly feared in their precise execution of commands directly from the throne room.

  Zorona stood guard along with another Cherubim right behind the Beryl Gate looking out into the deepness.

  Adonari pitched behind Zorona.

  “You seem to be getting around these days,” said Zorona still looking out of the gate. Although the eyes of angels faced forward, they could see three hundred and sixty degrees. Zorona had seen Adonari coming from miles away.

  “My friend you’re as sharp as ever,” said Adonari. “So what are you going to do?”

  “About what?” said Zorona.

  “The rebellion,” said Adonari.

  “I’d really rather not speak about it,” said Zorona.

  “But what are you going to do. Are you with him or not?” said Adonari.

  “Son of the Morning Star?” said Zorona. Adonari said nothing. Zorona had a wondering look in his eyes.

  “I see,” Adonari said. “I don’t know what to do. Really, I don’t.”

  “I’m doing what I have to do,” Zorona said. “Simple”.

  As Adonari was about to answer, a legion of Cherubims numbering Fifty Thousand, zoomed above the Beryl Gate.

  Within seconds another legion numbering Eight Thousand flew to meet the first legion in mid-air.

  The leaders of each legion, Camar and Leon, zipped down and hovered above Zorona and Adonari.

  “It’s time,” said Camar to Zorona. “Shut down the gate. We have to shut all twelve gates now.”

  “Okay,” said Zorona as he zipped to the top of the tall Beryl Gate and pushed massive locks to close them.

  “Come on,” said Camar.

  Zorona in turn flew down to where Adonari was still standing.

  “Come on my friend. Come on,” said Zorona.

  “But, but –”

  “Let’s go. Let’s go,” Zorona said. Zorona zipped up to join the two legions in the air.

  Adonari did not budge and instead grumbled. I’m going to regret this, he thought. The spirit of the Lord whispered in Adonari’s heart not to go. Adonari shrugged off the warning and flew up to meet the rebellion.

  3(2)(c). The Realm - Chapter 7 - Descend.

  Chapter 7 – Descend.

  Angels flew to and fro in a frantic panic.

  Ten legions of angels numbering One Hundred Thousand flew from gate to gate, securing the borders. In their eyes, The Almighty was about to fall.

  The continuous light of heaven grew a gray dingy darkness as the angels flew about.

  Adonari, with the band of marauders about him noticed the darkness as they reached Topaz, the Twelfth Gate.

  Adonari witnessed the mass of Seraphims and Cherubims gather on the outskirts of the Throne Room, high above the center of the holy city. Lucifer was nowhere in sight.

  The unholy cohort of angels zoomed down to the east entrance to the Throne Room and yet there were no signs of Lucifer.

  Lucifer’s Generals like Camar and Leon carried out the orders.

  The throne room had four entrances on the North, South, East and West.

  The entrance to each was guarded by terrible beasts that had the face of men but had multiple wings numbering fifty on each side of the joints where the wing attached to their bodies.

  Their bodies were dark yellow and their outer covering was tougher than diamonds.

  These beasts had four pairs of eyes each that scanned three hundred and sixty degrees for their faces were four dimensional, like a box. Each side of the face could be viewed from any angle. They had no hair on their heads and a light, the glory of The Almighty, shone around them.

  They had breast plates made of Doral, a substance One Hundred times stronger than diamonds. Their Doral breastplates shined silver in the glow of The Almighty’s presence and their tongues were blazing javelins.

  The East Gate beast was called Love, the West called Faith, the North called Grace, and the South called Mercy.

  Together they guarded the Throne Room and the presence of The Almighty. Camar flew straight to the beast at the East Gate.

  Five Thousand angels followed as Camar bolted towards Love. Leon and his legion followed closely behind.

  The beast flapped all fifty pairs of wings at the same time and a gust greater than a million hurricanes blew Camar, Leon, Adonari, Zorona and the angels that followed him clear to the farthest point near the Beryl Gate. Camar shook himself and fumbled into the air. Adonari and Zorona followed.

  “Now what do we do?” said Adonari to Camar. Zorona silently gazed into the deep outer bands of heaven.

  “You’re damaged,” said Adonari to Camar.

  “I – I know. I wasn’t expecting that one.” Camar was damaged in the left outer region of his upper wings. The hordes of hellions that followed him were also damaged.

  “There’s no way to breach the East Gate. Not with just our legion. We are going to need more power,” Camar said trying to ignore the pain in his wings.

  “Personally, I don’t think Lucifer thought this–”

  “Look, enough of that. Of course he did. Are you in this rebellion or not? I’d appreciate it if you shut your mouth,” said Camar.

  “Don’t be testy. I was just pointing out–”

  “Don’t. We have enough stress to worry about than loyalty in the ranks,” said Camar.

  “Relax,” said Zorona to Camar. “I’ve known Adonari since he was created. He’s means no harm. Really. He’s been hanging out on the outer bands of heaven’s gates a bit too long. He means no harm. Please.”

  Before Camar could respond, Lucifer appeared out of nowhere to them with a burst of light.

  “Leave him,” said Lucifer. “He’ll understand in a moment.”

  Leon glanced at Lucifer and shot up into the air leaving their presence.

  “So what is the plan? We obviously can’t penetrate the East Gate,” said Zorona.

  “Au Contraire. We can and we have. Your East Gate attempt was a diversion. In fact, in a few minutes you will understand what I have done,” said Lucifer.

  Leon came back down before Lucifer could finish.

  “It’s done,” said Leon as he landed.

  “Excellent,” Lucifer said. “Let’s go.”

  Lucifer, with Camar, Leon, Zorona, Adonari and the rest of Camar’s legion zoomed into the air. Lucifer led the pack. A grumbling noise erupted above Heaven as Lucifer and some of his angels trailed him.

  As Lucifer and his Klan reached the outer gates of The Throne Room, angels which could not be numbered flew to and fro in total disarray. A legion
numbering Two Hundred Thousand of Lucifer’s loyal angels had breached the West Gate to The Throne Room.

  The Four and Twenty Elders who were seated behind The Throne of The Almighty filed out of the West Gate.

  No angel touched them for the Glory of the Lord that was on them prevented any angel from touching them. The only one considered Holy enough to touch the Elders was Jesus Christ, The Holy One of Israel, Yeshua, The Lion of the Tribe of Judah.

  The Holy One of Israel was nowhere in sight.

  He was seated at the right hand of The Almighty, a position he was to hold until he descended on Terra Nova as a babe to save the Terrestrials from their sins.

  The Four and Twenty Elders lined up along the outer wall of The Throne Room, each with folded hands.

  The Elders were created as The Council to help The Almighty run the universe and beyond.

  The Elders looked like terrestrials and had long flowing silver hair that flowed over their long white robes which were stained with red. The red represented the blood that The Holy One of Israel would shed for all mankind. The Elders had golden bronzed skin and their eyes were full white with no pupils. Each Elder raised their right hands above their heads in the form of a fist.

  They stood silent with fists raised above their heads as Lucifer approached with his hellion horde.

  Lucifer barked commands to the horde to enter the West Gate. Every angel that was on Lucifer’s side numbering One Million angels flew into the West Gate. Only a third of the angels in heaven were on Lucifer’s side.

  Lucifer remained on the outside of the Throne Room no doubt contemplating his ascension to the throne. The grumbling noise that had started some time before ceased. There was a dead silence in all of heaven. Every angel that existed in heaven was now in the Throne Room.

  A green light, greater that a million laser beams, shot from the West Gate into the darkness of the outer bands.

  Lucifer was confused. He had never seen that type of light before in heaven. It emanated from the Throne Room brighter than a Billion suns.

  As the light extended, Lucifer did not see that Christ had propelled the set of rebellious angels out of heaven without fanfare. It happened so fast.

  Lucifer thought that perhaps the hellions had succeeded in neutralizing The Almighty’s power.

  As Lucifer dashed for the West Gate, he could not enter. Christ stepped out of the Throne Room in power and might.

  Jesus was clad in a robe that was the purest of all. It was even purer than the robes The Four and Twenty Elders wore.