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The Realm: Box Set - Parts 1 to 5 (Realm of Angels Series, Book One) Page 2

  Dr. Colan had never witnessed such a damning contagion. The virus had no mercy. It ate the human body from the inside out as if a person had swallowed a can of acid. It was a relatively slow death. Dr. Colan sprawled some medical books on his desk, scanning them faster than his brain could read searching for a clue to this horrific condition.


  While the good doctor pondered away, Victor sat atop the shingled roof of the medical complex nestled in between two pointed roofs. He sat with his back to one of the roofs in the crevice and stared at the brilliant sun.

  Four days ago I couldn't do this, he thought. I would have melted away into vapors had I tried this before that day. I had become different than the others on that day. On that day, my Redemption Day, I no longer felt the same. My body felt different, my mind felt strange, and I had feelings, real feelings. I was changing by the hour.

  If I could scream I would. I would scream to the universe to say look at me I am free, but I had no voice since that day, Redemption Day. I became a mute for what reason I cannot tell.

  I remembered who I was before the Day of The Fall. That was the moment that my eternal existence plummeted into space and time like an Olympic diver suspended in air before piercing the waters of finiteness.

  I felt like a diver whose body previously defined by the air and sun, once submerged was now defined, contoured, restricted, and locked in by the contours of the waters that engulfed him. I was now defined by an earthly existence that was greater than strange.

  Little Trevor Jenkins jolted Victor out of hi musings as Jenkins screamed and ran from the foyer into the courtyard. The sickness took over his body. From where Victor stood, Dr. Colan's courtyard looked like a scene from The Blue Man Group on Broadway.

  Victor rose up and swooped above the courtyard, with his black cloak flapping behind him like the wings he used to have.

  He descended on Little Trevor Jenkins who was breathing heavy and holding his heart. The ailment was poisoning Trevor's blood and causing cardiac arrest. Victor grabbed Little Trevor from behind and bit his neck.

  The sick children were sprawled out in the courtyard. They had dropped like flies under a mist of bug spray.

  Little Steven Hanson, Trevor's best friend ran outside in time to witness Victor munching into Trevor's neck.

  Little Stephen frantically ran into the doorway of the medical complex foyer and lifted up his mask.

  "Hey. It's a vampire," said Steven.

  The rest of the kids inside the Medical Complex foyer, all donned in breathing masks, ran outside to the courtyard.

  Little Trevor became unconscious. Victor got off of Little Trevor's neck and darted to the rest of the children in the courtyard in lightning speed. He bit into Mr. Smellings’ son Grover. When he bit Grover's neck, bluish blood sprayed all over his long black cloak. He rested Grover's head on the ground and descended on the other children.

  When he was done, not one child that had fainted in the courtyard was protected from his bite.

  3(1)(c). The Realm - Chapter 3 – Mayor Trudeau’s Problem.

  Chapter 3 – Mayor Trudeau’s Problem.

  Dr. Colan looked up from Blackstone's and ran to the foyer to see what the commotion was. A helicopter hovered over the Medical Complex before landing in the large helipad next to the complex. The helicopter induced wind almost blew Mayor Trudeau's toupee off as he stepped from the chopper with two security guards and his youthful assistant Jeffrey Moriah.

  Dr. Colan. Mrs. Benoit and the remaining staff of the Medical Complex poured into the courtyard. The Mayor ran up to Dr. Colan as the helicopter blades came to a grinding halt.

  Victor stepped away from behind the shrubs near the gate of the Complex. He moved like lightning but Little Steven Hanson could still see him.

  “What we have here, Doc?” said Mayor Trudeau.

  “We have a serious situation here sir. Something, some virus is causing the children from Mount Redlock Valley High to turn blue in color. Here, put this on,” said Dr. Colan as he shoved a mask in the Mayor's hands.

  The Mayor hauled the mask over his face and said.

  “Yes, yes, go on.”

  “As I was saying, something is causing the children to turn blue. They are suffering nausea and vomiting followed by-”

  “What's the source?” said the Mayor.

  “I was just getting to that,” said Dr. Colan snappishly.

  “I'm sorry,” said the mayor.

  “Mrs. Benoit, the school principal-”

  Dr. Colan nodded to Mrs. Benoit standing next to him. The mayor gave a slight nod and shook Mrs. Benoit's hand but kept his focus on the doctor's every word.

  “She saw a vampire biting the necks of a couple of children.”

  “Yes. It's true. I saw him, ahh it, ahh ah, whatever that was, biting their necks,” said Mrs. Benoit.

  Mayor Trudeau stood still as if he wasn't hearing the damning report.

  “Bite marks are on their necks indeed,” said Dr. Colan as he stooped down and felt Little Trevor' neck.

  The Mayor and Mrs. Benoit stooped down too. They were now all eye level with Little Steven Hanson.

  “That thing just bit my friend's neck and turned him blue. I saw it.”

  Dr. Colan replaced the mask that was resting on Little Steven's chin back over his face.

  “Get him inside. Get them all inside. Quickly,” said Dr. Colan to the orderlies who zipped away without waiting to hear the full instructions.

  In seconds the orderlies returned with gurneys and picked up each unconscious child from the courtyard and whisked each inside the Emergency Room which was quickly getting crowded.

  Mayor Trudeau scanned the courtyard.

  “Listen. Call Chief Garrick. I want every officer in Aurora down here now,” said Mayor Trudeau. Moriah nodded.

  “Call Governor Lockheed. Brief him,” continued the mayor.

  Moriah flipped open his office Blackberry Storm and began to dial.

  Moriah now regretted skipping his morning Caramel Macchiatto from Starbucks.

  He knew that had been a grave error. Moriah slipped into his usual pace routine as he made the calls.

  The Mayor stooped down to Little Steven.

  “Where did you see that vampire go?”

  “He went behind the bushes. Over there,” said Little Steven pointing to the shrubs by the entrance to the courtyard.


  The KTLA News van sped into the Medical Complex parking area like they were the A-Team with B.A. Baracus. Mayor Trudeau stood up watching then come in.

  The van could not go too far inside since the orderlies were transporting the comatose children to small cots inside the Emergency Room.

  “Get this. Get this,” yelled Anchor Newswoman, Greta Peltier as she popped out of the van running towards the complex. The news cameras began to roll as soon as the three man crew jumped out with Greta. Greta did not miss a beat.

  “Ladies and Gentleman, This is Greta Peltier, from KTLA News - Channel 4, your best news source.”

  “According to anonymous sources, we are investigating calls made earlier to The Chief of Police and the Governor's Office regarding a breakout epidemic of grave proportions that originated from the 7th grade classes of Mount Redlock Valley High School.”

  “We are live here on the scene as you can see. Children who appear blue in color are being taken inside the complex. I'm going in to investigate further.”

  Greta briskly walked over to Mayor Trudeau who stood like a deer caught in the headlights.

  “Mayor, we understand that your office called the Governor. Is it that serious? What is going on here?” said Greta as she stuck the microphone in his face.

  The Mayor figured the media would get there but certainly not so fast. Dr. Colan came out of the Complex and Greta didn’t even wait for an answer from the Mayor. She wanted the raw science data so she left the Mayor standing and ran over to Dr. Colan.

  She scurried to catch up wi
th Dr. Colan. But Dr. Colan did not slow down. He was on the move.

  “Doctor, doctor. What is the prognosis? Are these children dead?” said Greta with a brisk jog to keep up with the unstoppable good doctor.

  Dr. Colan continued his walked unabated towards the middle of the courtyard.

  “We are taking measures to cordon off the area. We are not sure what is going on. But a large contingency of school age children came to the Complex in the afternoon and two children were transported by EMT exhibiting the same signs.”

  “And what are those signs doctor?” said Greta. Dr. Colan shoved six masks into her hands for her and her crew. They quickly affixed them.

  “Something is robbing the children of oxygen in their blood hence they appear blue,”

  Greta's jaws dropped as she stared at the entrance to the Complex.

  “Sorry doctor. Guys get this behind you,” said Greta as the camera crew turned around.

  It was majestic.

  Chief Garrick flanked by a blue sea of police officers poured into the Complex.

  “Are you getting this?” said Greta to her camera man. The camera man nodded his head as he panned the entrance to the courtyard. Victor peered out from the bushes. He was in camera view. The sun set on the horizon. The camera man zoomed in on the bushes then lifted his eye from the camera to confirm what he thought he was seeing. He rubbed his eyes then replaced the camera.

  “Did you guys see a white flare in the bushes?” said the camera man to the crew.

  Everyone said, “No.”

  3(1)(d). The Realm - Chapter 4 – Vander’s Visit.

  Chapter 4 – Vander’s Visit.

  Victor recoiled into the tall bushes. Out of thin air, Vander, his best friend, appeared behind him.

  Vander was a well dressed vampire in a long black cloak and turtleneck.

  “Having fun playing with the kiddies Victor?”

  Victor did not turn around and ignored Vander. Victor did not speak, could not speak so he thought-spoke with Vander.

  Vampires were good at reading each other’s thoughts.

  “You know you're making a mistake,” said Vander.

  “I'm not making a mistake. I'm different now,” thought-spoke Victor.

  “Look at you, running around here like a mad man biting kids and spewing that nonsense against Our Son of The Morning Star,” said Vander.

  “Send you did he?” thought-spoke Victor.

  “Look you even lost your voice,” said Vander. “What kind of nonsense is that?”

  Victor turned to Vander.

  “Nonsense? What's nonsense is what we did. What were we thinking trying to overthrow The Almighty? That's nonsense. The foolish plan Lucifer came up with is an 8,000 year old failure. Let's just say I came to my senses,” thought-spoke Victor.

  “Failure? Come on Victor. You are losing your powers by the hour. You can't speak. Pretty soon you won't want to drink blood. You now hop around in the sun. Pretty soon you can't even fly or vaporize. You want to give that all up? The taste of sweet human blood Victor? You really want to give that up?” said Vander.

  “What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?” thought-spoke Victor.

  “So one month of a personal rebellion against Our Son of The Morning Star and you are already quoting scriptures,” said Vander. "Don't you get it? You are Victor now not Adonari. That life is gone."

  Victor turned his back on Vander to peer out of the bush at the commotion in the courtyard.

  “Vander, I may not be Adonari anymore but The Almighty gave me a promise one month ago. I am holding Him to it. Remember how we weren’t allowed to read the Holy Writ of 'Revelations' while we were perfect in paradise? Well, I’ve read it. And I know how it ends. Your Son of The Morning Star is going to be defeated and all the Fallen Angels along with him,” thought-spoke Victor. “Let's just say I want to be on the winning side.”

  "Look, a bunch of us are getting together later at Villagio's for dinner," said Vander. "If you get some sense knocked into you, I guess I'll see you there. I hear they have a new batch of humans just in from India; nothing like Tandoori blood."

  Victor did not reply.

  The policemen marched towards the bushes where Victor was.

  “Loss of thoughts, huh?” said Vander. “Looks like you have your hands full. I'll see you later...maybe.” Vander disappeared as swiftly as he had appeared.


  Victor saw the Mayor and the sea of police barreling for him. They obviously heard something about him, thought Victor. As Victor darted out of the bushes into the air he felt strangely warm. His normal funeral-parlor-cold-dead-body-on-ice temperature was rising fast.

  He zoomed in the air and suddenly dropped with a thud. The sea of police along with Mayor Trudeau looked down at Victor sprawled on the parking lot floor. The Principal pushed her way into the center of the lynch mob that surrounded Victor. Victor tried to get up but he was weak.

  What was happening to him? He thought. He propped himself up on one hand as he lay on the floor.

  “That’s him. He bit all these children. He turned them blue,” said Principal Benoit pointing at Victor. Victor was too weak to respond and besides he lost his voice. He hung his head as he could not look them in the eyes.

  Victor tried to get up and stumbled back to the floor. The officers on the frontline beat him with their batons. Victor could not move.

  “Why are you terrorizing us?” said Principal Benoit as they bashed his head in. Victor said not a word. He couldn’t.

  I am abandoned, thought Victor. He remembered how Jesus Christ had suffered on the cross.

  He was one of the Vampires that were on guard in the gates of hell when the news spread that Jesus the Christ had been crucified. He was thrilled back then because Hell rejoiced at the news.

  “You demon,” said a police officer. Victor's gray blood gushed through the many bruises and splashed with every blow. The bruises penetrated to his spirit.

  “I now know how it feels,” thought-spoke Victor to the Almighty One.

  “I am sorry, My Lord,” he continued. Tears streamed down his face.

  The Day of The Fall flashed through his mind. He thought of the thousands of years of feeding on the blood of animals and humans. His tears were clear and mixed with the blood that streaked his face.

  “My Lord, I pledge my heart to you,” thought-spoke Victor.

  “I am nothing. I am a sinner. I am a Fallen Angel but your Angel nonetheless for I am nothing and you are everything.”

  The officers did not let up. An officer kicked him in the ribs several times.

  Victor’s head was spinning rapidly.

  “I give to you my heart and I pledge my love to you Lord Jesus Christ. You died for the sins of the world and you are its only hope,” continued Victor.

  But this did not change the immediate threat.

  The beating continued unabated.

  The Almighty sent no legion of Holy Angels to rescue him. Nothing. There was an eerie silence in his heart.

  “My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?” Thought-spoke Victor.

  These words in his heart penetrated throughout his body. An officer took his baton and smashed it directly in Victor’s temple. Victor fell flat and still.

  Dr. Colan pushed his way through the sea of officers to where Victor was shouting as he tried to tunnel his way to Victor.

  “Stop. Stop,” said Dr. Colan. "Don’t kill him.”

  It was no use. No one had heard him over the sound of the lynch mob.

  Dr. Colan dropped beside where Victor lay and threw up his hands. His coat was now soaked in Victor’s blood.

  “Stop. Don’t kill him. It is not him” said Dr. Colan. “He saved them.”

  Dr. Colan pointed to the entrance of the Medical Complex foyer.

  He placed his finger on Victor’s throat, well what was left of it.

  There was no pulse.

“What are you talking about?” asked Mayor Trudeau.

  “He killed them.” said Principal Benoit.

  Dr. Colan stood to his feet. He wiped Victor’s blood on his coat. “No he saved them,” said the doctor.

  Mayor Trudeau’s fingers started to turn blue. It crept slowly up his arm. The police officers fingers also started to turn blue. It was a ripple effect. The virus was spreading. Principal Benoit’s fingers also started to turn blue. Little Jennie and Treesha came running out of the Medical Complex. Jennie was a precious healthy pink and Treesha was a gorgeous chocolate brown.

  “What’s happening? Asked Mayor Trudeau.

  “You are infected with the virus” said Dr. Colan

  As Little Jennie and Treesha smiled up at the mayor the doctor explained.

  “Apparently some chemicals in the vampire’s bite flooded those infected with a serum antidote. I’m not sure how the chemical works, but I know that it is the result of the Vampire’s bite. All the kids who were infected and who he bit are now alive and well. It appears to be a slow working serum. Mayor Trudeau, the officers and Principal Benoit, looked at their hands. Their faces turned blue.

  Their antidote stood still on the parking lot floor.

  Victor heard a distant voice. It slowly became louder. Where was he? He thought.

  Victor could not see.

  The darkness pervaded the deep as deep called unto deep. A little light grew and chased the darkness that enveloped him.

  Victor took notice with his every being. The distant voice grew louder.

  “I’ll try to save him but it might be too late,” said Dr. Colan as orderlies rushed off with Victor to the operating room. Dr. Colan scurried off behind them.

  3(2). Part 2: Chapters 5 to 7.

  3(2)(a). The Realm - Chapter 5 – Adonari’s Roots.

  Chapter 5 – Adonari’s Roots.

  Heaven - 8,050 years ago.

  Adonari, the Cherubim holy angel flew to the top of the Amethyst gate. Each of the twelve gates of paradise led to a central area deep inside the Holy City of Zion or as the world called it heaven.

  In the center of the Holy City, the Spirit of The Almighty dwelt in the midst.