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The Realm: Box Set - Parts 1 to 5 (Realm of Angels Series, Book One) Page 9

  “Scare? Don’t misunderstand son, I am proud of you. We have gone far. But they are not exactly going to play dead and let us waltz into Heaven and take over now are they?”

  “Pop. Remember I am-”

  Lucifer cut him off.

  “Siton, I wish you would take this more seriously. I do not call you The Vampire Apostle for nothing. Their apostle’s set up churches and tents and howling sessions and hallelujah crap. You, you set up Dominions and Darkness in high-”

  “But, au contraire, father. I do remember. But a boy’s got to have some fun and tonight is the night,” said Siton.

  “Are you forgetting that tomorrow night at the Day of the Fall Celebration you will be demonstrating the final Operation to get us to the heavenly realm? You should study your incantations. Only you know them,” said Lucifer.

  “Pop, I'm out. Time to have some fun,” said Siton as he looked at the night’s moonlight reflection of his face in the glass walled penthouse.

  “Siton, I need you here tonight,” said Lucifer. Siton levitated in front of Lucifer.

  “Pop, later.”

  “Where are you going by yourself?” said Lucifer.

  “Out,” said Siton.

  “Take two guards with you,” said Lucifer.

  “I'm fine. Really. I'll be –

  “Listen,” said Lucifer. “I'm summoning Vendar and Axel to go with you.”

  “Don't bother,” said Siton as he flew higher into the air. Lucifer retreated from his demand and walked into the penthouse. His Dark Council was already inside awaiting his instructions. Siton zipped into the air and headed above the Las Vegas strip for the shortest building in the area.

  As he reached the building, he pivoted and zoomed on the roof of Club Expectations, the hottest nightclub in Las Vegas. He pitched on its roof and slipped through the roof’s metal door. He loved the perks of a vampire’s life like never having to pay a cover charge. The night was young and would be all his.

  As he danced his way through the club, he felt someone hug him from behind. After a sudden panic, he turned around to look. He laid eyes on the most beautiful black young woman he had ever seen. Her eyes sparkled like the glow of 1 billion full moons.

  He looked at her with a puzzled expression in the glow of the faint club lights.

  Her initial smile turned into embarrassment. She leaned into him.

  “Sorry, I thought you were someone else,” she shouted in his ear over the noise of Michael Jackson's Club Remix. Finally some fresh meat, he thought as he smiled and grabbed her by the waist. He shouted in her ear.

  “Let's get out of the noise,” Siton said. She nodded in agreement and he took her by the hand over to the bar. It was a little quieter by the bar that was separated from the main dancing floor. Sweat droplets glistened on her face. They sat down next to each other.

  As he smiled she looked at his vampire fangs.

  “Wow nice teeth. You really take this Mardi Gras Carnival thing seriously,” she said. “You really actually look like a vampire.”

  He laughed flashing his pearly fangs even more.

  “I try,” said Siton. “What are you drinking?”

  “I'm a nice girl,” said the woman.

  “Yeah right. Somehow I don't see church girl written all over you. What are you doing in the club then?” said Siton.

  “I'm waiting for my girlfriend. She is downstairs. I hope she hasn’t runoff with anyone. She's always doing that.” The bartender walked over to them

  “I'll have a Red Stripe Beer,” said Siton.

  “We ran out of Red Stripe,” said the bartender oblivious to Siton's fangs. Then again this was Las Vegas at Mardi Gras time. Just like the USA Network all characters were welcome.

  “Okay. I'll have a Heineken and give me a Rum and Coke for the lady,” said Siton.

  “Oh no, no,” she said. The bartender stood waiting.

  “Oh, come on,” said Siton to her.

  “Bring it anyway,” said Siton to the bartender who nodded and walked away.

  “You are a persistent one, aren't you?” said the woman. “What are you trying to get me drunk and have your way with me?”

  Siton smiled flashing his fangs.

  “I hope so,” he said with a giggle. She laughed.

  “No one can accuse you of being shy,” she said with a laugh. “So, I'm here talking to such a nice guy and I don't even know your name.”

  “Nice? Who says I'm nice?” said Siton.

  She looked a bit puzzled, kind of like the look you gave someone on a blind date through craigslist.

  He smiled.

  “You're a kidder, huh?” said the woman lightly slapping Siton on his thigh as she flashed a smile.

  The bartender brought his beer and the Rum and Coke. Siton paid for the drinks and took them up. He offered her the Rum and Coke. She smiled but refused.

  “As I was saying, I can't take a drink from you. I don't even know your name. I mean you could try to drug me or-”

  “It's Jeffrey. Jeffrey Satire.”

  “No. You're kidding. Satire? For real? That must have been hell in school,” said the woman laughing.

  “Look, let’s go on the roof. I need some air,” said Siton.

  “Sure why not. As long as you're not some crazy guy who will throw me off,” she said.

  Siton picked up the drinks and they walked back through the dance floor to the roof’s door where he had entered.

  She followed him. As they stepped outside, the coolness of the Las Vegas night blew across their faces.

  “Whew,” she said as she folded her arms around herself in a slight shiver. “Wow it's colder than I thought.”

  “Rum and Coke to warm you up?” said Siton extending the drink towards her with a sheepish grin.

  “Oh all right,” she said. As she took the drink, Siton quickly dropped and ecstasy pill from between his fingers right above the glass of Rum and Coke. She didn't notice.

  “Thank you,” she said as she accepted the glass. They walked to the edge of the roof.

  “So really? Satire, huh?” said the woman.

  “Well, you now know my awful. What's yours?” said Siton.

  “I'm Anne-Marie, Anne-Marie Gordon,” she said with a smile. She took a big sip of her drink. Siton watched her take a swallow.

  “So Jeffrey, what brings you to Las Vegas? Let me guess you are a billionaire and this is the only way you know how to have a good time, right?”

  “Well, actually I am the son of very important person. He is quite influential all over the world and-”

  “Oh my God, Bill Gates? Bill Gates is your father? I knew that Satire last name was a fake,” she smiled.

  “No, no. Not at all,” said Siton.

  Before Anne-Marie could respond, someone fired a gunshot out of the club shattering the glass. They ducked spilling their drinks all over themselves.

  “Listen. There is a fire escape on the back right behind you,” said Siton nodding his head to the ledge. Another shot fired breaking another glass on the roof. A stampede of club goers burst through the roof’s exit door.

  Siton grabbed Anne-Marie with one hand and jumped over the balcony.

  3(5)(e). The Realm - Chapter 23 - Let’s Get It On.

  Chapter 23 – Let’s Get It On.

  Siton grabbed the fire escape with the other hand and slid down with Ann-Marie in his arm. She stared at him.

  As they reached the landing another shot fired into the alley where they were behind the club. They ducked and stooped behind the large green smelly dumpster.

  “Let's get out of here,” said Siton as he stood to his feet.

  “Hold on Mister,” said Anne-Marie looking at her broken heel.

  Somebody's obviously trying to kill you or something and I'm supposed to just come with you? Are you crazy?” she said looking around for where she could make her exit.

  “No, no. I'm not sure what this is about,” said Siton with a doubtful look on his fa

  “I get it. When you said your dad was big, I guess it was the Mafia you were talking,” she said. The shooting stopped. She sat with her back against the dumpster.

  “These kinds of things always happen to me. I just can't find a good man as hard as I try whether white, black, yellow, green, or blue,” said Annemarie. Her hair was far from the perfectly in place weave she had earlier. Their faces were drenched with sweat.

  “No. My dad is not in the Mafia and he's not a gambler although he is in the business of winning things to which you cannot set a price,” said Siton.

  “I swear your creepiness turns me on in a freaky strange tantalizingly dangerous sort of way,” she said. They laughed as she calmed down.

  “Look there’s a little guest motel nearby. Let's get out of here,” said Siton. “What you say?” He looked in her eyes and that was enough. She was up for anything.

  He took her hand and slowly walked out of the alley as she hobbled on the one good high-heel. She gave up and took off her other high heel.

  Within moments they crossed the street to a small motel called Shangri-La.

  “The Shangri-La? Boy you are a big spender,” said Anne-Marie. They walked up to the entrance.

  “If I took you to the exclusive executive hotels, it would be too conspicuous. Got it?” said Siton as he paid the $10 for a two hour stay. He didn't even get a key.

  The downstairs front desk clerk, a young girl, just told him to pick a room and close it behind him when he leaves. Anne-Marie followed him in a tipsy stupor to a room on the second floor with an open door. The room didn't have a number on it.

  He knew the ecstasy should have kicked in by now. Anne-Marie sat on the side of the bed.

  “I want to tell you now. I really am a good girl. This is not a wham-bam-thank you-Ho kind of thing. Really I-”

  Siton kissed her. His mouth felt funny because the fangs wouldn't budge. Every time she stuck her tongue in his mouth, the sharp edges of his fangs slightly poked her. Funny, his fake fangs should have fallen out by now.

  She pulled him closer. Siton wasted no time stripping her shirt then her brassiere revealing the supplest caramel colored breast he had ever seen.

  “Listen, I'm okay with fooling around, but I just met you. I'm not ready for sex yet,” she said.

  Siton had already buried his head into the sloped curvature of her caramel neck.

  “I promise. I'll be gentle,” said Siton now holding her firmly by the waist.

  “No. Please. Don't,” she pleaded. Siton ignored her pleas and pushed her on the old bed almost breaking it.

  He dropped on top of her and now she screamed.

  He muffled her scream with his right hand as he zipped down his pants with his left. She continued to scream but these went no further than the small spaces in between his hands.

  Her eyes bulged in frustration as Siton placed his fangs on the side of her neck.

  A white man broke open the door and jammed a needle full of battery acid solution right into Siton's exposed back. It was right in the area that encaged his vampire heart. Within seconds, Siton went limp and Anne-Marie pushed him off.

  “What took you so long?” said Anne-Marie. “He almost bit me. Ugghh.”

  “Thank God he didn't,” said the white man to Anne-Marie.

  “Where Zorona?” said Anne-Marie to the white man.

  He’s on his way from the club.

  “Did you like the gunshot effect?” said the white man. “That was my idea.”

  Siton lay still on the bed next to Anne-Marie.

  “Yes. Nice touch. At least it got us faster to the motel room,” said Anne-Marie.

  “Who's working downstairs at the front desk?” said Anne-Marie.

  “Oh that's a new Cherubim. Her name is Avaree. It's her first assignment,” said Adonari.

  A taller white man rushed into the open room. It was Zorona.

  “Cyrenee are you okay?” said Zorona to the black woman on the bed. She nodded. Adonari walked over and put his fingers on Siton’s neck checking for a pulse.

  “Finally we got him,” said Zorona looking at the very dead Siton whose skin color was turning whiter than white.

  “Well in case you haven't noticed, we've just assassinated Lucifer's only son. I don't think it will be too long before his minions arrive,” said Adonari.

  “Too late,” said Cyrenee as they looked up at more than One Thousand vampires levitating outside the motel room window and standing outside the room door.

  “Adonari? Exactly what was the exit strategy?” said Zorona.

  With Adonari, Zorona and Cyrenee still in human form, they stood like three deer certainly caught in the headlights.

  The vampires in the window flew inside joining the others that walked through the door. They bound Adonari, Cyrenee and Zorona, whom were still stuck in human form, with their arms at their sides and their hands behind their backs.

  Vindel, being the strongest vampire, slumped Siton over his shoulder and flew out the window to Lucifer’s penthouse atop the Circus Hotel and Gaming Lounge.

  The other vampires held Adonari, Cyrenee and Zorona in nets and followed Vindel.

  :-If you enjoyed the story so far, it continues in: The Realm: A Novel (Realm of Angels Series, Book One) available for purchase wherever ebooks are sold.


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  4. [BONUS EXCERPTS] – Conrad Powell’s Works:

  4(1). Start (Detective John Start Thriller Series, Book 1):



  (2001) - Kings County Courthouse – Downtown Brooklyn.

  JOSHUA FALL whispered with his hot shot defense attorney Renaldo Zimmer as Judge Hammerstein took the bench. For a man facing fifty counts of corruption, one count of Possession of Cocaine (one ton of it), one thousand counts of illegal possession of firearm, and three counts of conspiracy to murder, he was strangely calm, almost aloof.

  The young prosecutor Helen D’Mario sat pondering how she went through a ten week trial with her nails in such an awful condition.

  “All rise,” said the bailiff. “This court of The Honorable Judge Wilbert Hammerstein is now in session. Draw nigh and you shall be heard. God Bless the State of New York and the United States of America. Please be seated.”

  John Martin Start, the investigating officer was noticeably absent. He knew why.

  Judge Hammerstein wasted no time. He had a busy docket.

  “The State of New York vs. Joshua Fall, docket number P2233 of 1999 for sentencing,” said the bailiff.

  Mr. Zimmer jumped up.

  “Your Honor. Before you pronounce sentencing, the defense would like to make a motion of prosecutorial misconduct and request that this honorable court entertain it.”

  Judge Hammerstein, a man of few expressions grimaced so deep it appeared his jaw would break through the podium floor.

  “Counsels approach,” said the judge. They complied. The judge covered his microphone and bent over his bench.

  “Mr. Zimmer, I can’t believe you are pulling this. You’ve got to be kidding me. Prosecutorial misconduct?” said the judge.

  “Your Honor. Clearly this has no merit. It is beyond ridiculo-”

  “Save it, Ms. D’Mario. I’d love to hear this one,” said the judge cutting her off. “Mr. Zimmer, why did you wait until sentencing to bring this motion?”

  Ms. D’Mario folded her arms and stared at Mr. Zimmer.

  “Well, your Honor, the misconduct was not discovered until after the verdict was read. It is well settled, according to the State of New York vs. Ying Wu, that I am only obligated to bring forward a motion at the time I receive knowledge that forms the basis of such a motion,” said Mr. Zimmer.

  Cocky, son-uv-a-b, thought the judge.

  “I still object. But if your honor is minded to entertain the motion, I request that it be done in chambers in order to minimize any prejudicial effects to my reputation,” said Ms. D’Ma

  The judge continued in his whisper.

  “Great objection Ms. D’Mario, but overruled. You want to worry about reputation, sue him later. That is off the record. Mr. Zimmer, bring forth your evidence.”

  The attorneys dashed back to their war tables. The judge resumed open court.

  “Mr. Zimmer, Ms. D’Mario court is adjourned for one hour. The motion will be heard in open court. Mr. Zimmer it better be good or the Bar Association will get a call from me. I promise you,” said the judge.

  “By the way, where is Officer Start? I thought this was supposed to be his first big case?” said the judge.

  “Your Honor, Mr. Start informed me that this case has taken a toll and he has evidence of corruption in the highest ranks of-”

  “Careful. Ms. D’Mario. It would be a shame to lose your license over an open court slander,” said the judge.

  “Well, Your Honor. Let me rephrase that. He is pursuing further inconclusive investigations and thought it prudent not to be here for sentencing,” said the prosecutor.

  “Very well,” said the judge as he wrapped the gavel. “Court reconvenes at 1 PM.”

  The hour went by in warp speed.

  “All rise. The Honorable Court of Judge Hammerstein now resumes its sitting. God Bless the State of New York and God Bless the United States of America. Please be seated,” said the Bailiff.

  “Mr. Zimmer,” said the judge.

  “Thank you Your Honor. I am obliged to the court,” said Mr. Zimmer as he rose pulling out a DVD from his briefcase that he violently waived in the air.

  “Here goes the theatrics,” said Ms. D’Mario under her breath.

  “Ms. D’Mario?” said the judge.

  “Nothing Your Honor,” said Ms. D’Mario without bothering to stand for the judge.

  Zimmer flashed her a “na na na na na” look as he marched around the courtroom. D’Mario rolled her eyes at him.

  “Bewitching evidence Your Honor. I have here a-”

  Mr. Zimmer stopped himself.

  “You know what, I think the evidence will speak for itself,” said Zimmer as he beckoned the bailiff to take the DVD. The bailiff looked at the judge for confirmation before moving. Judge Hammerstein nodded his head. The bailiff took the DVD and disappeared into a side room.

  “I received this last night from an anonymous source sent via Federal Express and thank goodness. There is a God who sits high and looks low,” said Zimmer as he shook his hands in the air like a tambourine at a Baptist tent revival.