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  • The Realm: Box Set - Parts 1 to 5 (Realm of Angels Series, Book One) Page 7

The Realm: Box Set - Parts 1 to 5 (Realm of Angels Series, Book One) Read online

Page 7

  Adonari could not move his hands to wipe his face.

  Another splash hit his face and oozed down his golden cheeks.

  “Oh come on. We don’t have all night,” said Lucifer as he rubbed the blood all over Adonari face.

  But Adonari’s power was too strong and Lucifer pulled his hands away from the burn.

  “Ahhh,” said Lucifer with a deep guttural growl. “Curse you. You betrayed us.”

  “I belong to The Almighty and actually so do you,” said Adonari.

  Lucifer motioned as if to lunge for Adonari but he remembered the burn.

  “Get him out of my sight,” said Lucifer. “Vander, Vyper, Valencia, carry him back to the surface and make haste.” Vander and the others grabbed the net that Adonari had been in and wrapped it around him. He felt the swift cool breeze hit his face as they ascended to the surface.

  Adonari spoke first in flight.


  “What do you want Victor?”

  “You know I am Adonari now. Call me by my name,” said Adonari.

  “Look, you finally got back to the other side. I hope you’re happy now,” said Vander.

  “I know you are not happy. You only pretend,” said Adonari.

  “Well let me keep pretending,” said Vander as they reached the surface.

  They set him in the middle of the Grand Canyon with his blindfold intact. They left him alone. Adonari felt the power coming back to his being and whatever paralyzed him had worn off. He got up and took off his blindfold as Lorenz flew overhead with the others.

  Adonari flew in the air to meet up with Lorenz.

  “Are you okay?” said Lorenz.

  “Yeah,” said Adonari.

  “We were outnumbered but The Almighty sent bands 10 to 34 as reinforcement but Lucifer boys took you before we realized you were gone,” said Lorenz.

  “Yeah, I understand,” said Adonari.

  “I’m sure they tried to get you to come back to them,” Lorenz said.

  “They did but I wouldn’t budge. I ran into Vander, I mean Zorona, there,” said Adonari.

  “He is a tough nut to crack. I approached him on several occasions but he is stubborn,” said Lorenz.

  “Look, we’ve been relieved of our tour of duty. Band 35 must return home at once,” said Lorenz.

  “Okay,” said Adonari. The rest of Band 35 met them in the air en route to Heaven.


  3(4)(d). The Realm - Chapter 16 - Heaven At Last.

  Chapter 16 – Heaven At Last.

  After a while, they past the Milky Way outer bands en route to heaven located North-Northwest of the Milky Way galaxy.

  Adonari thought about Vander, the one who had been his best friend when he was in heaven and when he fell to earth.

  He remembered the times in heaven when they laughed and laughed while keeping each other’s company guarding heaven’s gate. He missed him. What would happen to Vander if no one helped him?

  “Adonari, you are scheduled to attend the throne room upon re-entry. We are almost there. I’m sure you remember,” said Lorenz.

  “I do,” said Adonari as Band 35 approached the Beryl Gate of heaven. The band landed in front of the gate. The members of Band 35 filed though the gate. Lorenz and Adonari were the last to approach the gate.

  Lorenz walked through the gate. The gate guards on duty nodded.

  Adonari stepped at the edge of entrance to the gate but stopped and did an about face. Lorenz looked behind him and saw Adonari heading away from the entrance of the gate.

  “What are you doing?” shouted Lorenz.

  “I can’t do this,” said Adonari.

  “What are you talking about? You are forgiven. Don’t worry,”

  “No, not that,” said Adonari. “I have to go back for Zorona. I can’t abandon him. I can’t,” Adonari said. Lorenz came back to the gate which had now closed.

  “If you don’t come now, you may never get back in heaven. Besides you can’t fight them alone,” said Lorenz.

  “I have to try. I know I can’t fight them alone but I have to try. I have to. He needs help,” said Adonari as he walked away from the gate entrance and flew into the air. He hovered as he continued.

  “Lorenz. I’m sorry. I have to go after him. ‘Greater love hath no man than that he would lay down his life for his friend.’ If men can show the greatest love to their friends and they are a little lower than us, how much greater should my love be?”

  Lorenz grimaced for he knew he couldn’t stop Adonari.

  “If My Lord will punish me for loving my friend greater than myself then I will accept that,” shouted Adonari as he shot higher in the air without waiting for a response.

  He headed alone B-line for earth. He did not know where Vander was but he would have to find him somewhere, somehow.

  Adonari sped into the Milky Way outer-band. It took him less time to reach Earth with his larger wings.

  As he broke into the Earth’s gravitational pull, although gravity meant very little to Holy Angels, a peace swept over his mind and heart. He headed straight to the Grand Canyon where night fell, though Holy Angels had little use for the concept of night and day.

  He pitched in the last place Vander and the others had left him. He sat alone in the darkness of the Canyon with only a pale moon glowing about him. He had hoped that the vampires would find him again.

  There was nothing like a Holy Angel being all alone that was guaranteed to draw vampires hell bent on converting him back to the dark side.

  Not a creature stirred in the stillness of the Arizona night except a solitary white dove that pitched in front of him.

  An even greater peace flooded his heart.

  “Adonari,” said the dove.

  “My Lord,” said Adonari.

  “I see that you would risk giving up your sure salvation for a chance to help Zorona.

  “I would. You taught me that those who help those who cannot help themselves shall be blessed. Evil has blinded Zorona and I must do my part to help him.”

  “I am not upset with you for I know your heart and it is a heart after my own heart. After all, I created you.” The dove flew into the air and hovered in front of Adonari.

  “You will need some help. Besides I want you to go to Angela as they call her. Talk to her. You will find Zorona in time. He will come to you.” Adonari nodded.

  The dove pitched on Adonari’s massive shoulders and a deeper strength moved through his Angelic frame.

  He was spiritually supercharged. He glowed with a greater glory than ever before. He was in that instance anointed as an Apostle Holy Angel. He was now certified and tested to help win the lost vampire demon angels.

  “Thank you, My Lord,” said Adonari.

  “You are welcome,” said the dove as it flew away out of site. These words resonated in his heart as plain as day. ‘My grace is sufficient for you for my strength is made perfect in weakness.’

  Adonari took off to find Angela.

  3(4)(e). The Realm - Chapter 17 - Love Conquers All.

  Chapter 17 – Love Conquers All.

  Aurora, MO - Villagio’s Vampire Delights.

  Adonari reached Villagio’s in record time just as Angela was leaving work.

  She exited the verandah of the quaint vampire restaurant and flew into the air. Adonari met her mid-air outside the restaurant. They hovered.

  “Alert, alert, help-” Adonari grabbed her mouth.

  “Shh, don’t talk. It’s me Victor,” said Adonari. Angela paused.

  He looked in her eyes.

  “Victor? What happen to you? I haven’t heard from you since the night Vampirol arrested you and I heard you escaped from the lockup.”

  They descended to the ground.

  “I know, I know. It’s a lot to explain. Well, first of all you can see I am no longer a vampire.” Her mouth gaped open.

  “But, but-”

came to me and showed me that I could be redeemed. Frankly Angela I was tired of the life. I wasn’t living; I was surviving from one miserable feeding to the next. I became weary and knew I had to get out if given the opportunity. The Almighty sent me for you.


  “I didn’t know you in Heaven. What was your name?” he said.

  “I was called Cyrenee.”

  “Look, you will be forgiven if you ask,” he said. She embraced him without his glory burning her demonic body.

  As they continued to talk, a group of vampires came out of Villagio’s so stuffed from feeding that they could hardly walk.

  Two of them dropped the Red Stripe beers in their hands when they saw Adonari.

  “Alert Angels from above,” they said. “Alert,” they cried as Adonari noticed them.

  “Uh oh. I think I’m going to have trouble,” said Adonari as all vampires that were dining in Villagio’s flew out and headed straight for Adonari.

  They attacked him in all directions. But they were no match for him.

  Angela threw herself in the way as if he needed help.

  The vampires drew their daggers and in lunging for Adonari hurled repeated stabs in Angela’s stomach heart and legs. Gray blood spurted everywhere as Adonari held on to her in mid-air to prevent her from falling.

  With Angela in his bosom, he took off for the mountains nearby. The vampires pursued in venomous tempests. Adonari outmaneuvered them with Angela firmly in his bosom. He dipped below the canopy of the tall trees on the mountain. The pursuing demons flew above Adonari and Angela not realizing where they had disappeared to.

  He gently pitched on the ground among the foliage of leaves.

  The moon did not appear all that pale again as if it had an instant reversal of fortunes.

  Adonari sat on the ground holding Angela head in his lap. She was indeed ugly to the sight. Her fangs glistened in the moonlight as she clung to her vampire life.

  “Cyrenee can you hear me,”

  “Yes,” she said faintly. Her grey blood splattered on Adonari but he didn’t care.

  He gently bent down and kissed her lips and again she did not burn.

  It was a kiss as gentle as the love of God that beckons us to a better life.

  He kissed her like Solomon kissed his beloved among the lilies and gardens and orchards blossoming with pomegranates and dates.

  He kissed her into that good night. She would be better. She would be redeemed and covered under The Almighty’s shadow and indeed with Adonari rocking her in his strong arms and wings, she was well on her way.

  He broke the silence.

  “Do you believe and do you want to be forgiven?”

  “Yes,” she managed to whisper. “Lord, I am sorry,” she continued. “I ask you to forgive me.” She heaved a few breaths to continue. “For all my, my, my-”

  She dropped her head as her spirit left her body.

  Adonari’s tears dropped in her eyes thou Angels had no need to cry. It was over.

  Did it work? Adonari thought as he gently laid Angela’s body down from his lap and looked up to heaven. He didn’t hear nor see her glorified body. Where was Cyrenee? He thought as he continued to stare into heaven searching for an answer.

  He was sure The Almighty would not have sent him to Angela for this. He bent down and looked in her comatose eyes searching for an answer. He found none.

  Adonari reached out to touch her again. “Don’t touch Angela,” said a voice behind him. Adonari turned around.

  “You are too glorified to touch the dead. Besides, Angela is no more,” said Cyrenee as she grinned at Adonari. She was splendid to look at and she too was now a Seraphim with larger wings. Adonari stood up as Cyrenee ran to him. They embraced for what seemed an eternity. He drew back.

  “You look beautiful,” he said.

  “I know,” she said with a grin.

  “You know we have a job to do. Right?” said Adonari.

  “I know. We have to help Vander,” said Cyrenee. The chasing vampires were nowhere in sight.

  “There is a place in the Grand Canyon where I think he is unless they are gone now. As a vampire I never journeyed there before. I didn’t even know about it, but they blinded me when they ambushed Band 35 and took me there,” said Adonari.

  “I know where it is. Vander took me there one time,” said Cyrenee.

  “Oh really?”

  “No, nothing like that. It was when you were off on one of your vampire adventures in the Seychelles or someplace like that,” said Cyrenee. Adonari smiled.

  “Ok, ok. No time for jealousy,” he said with a smile.

  “Follow me,” said Cyrenee. Adonari complied. They shot to a high altitude like the Concord.

  “There are three ways to the network. The first is through Vampirol’s headquarters, second through the Grand Canyon, and third through Manhattan. The #4 line subway tunnel at Wall Street station is the entry point.

  “Vander will most likely be at that stop hanging out,” said Cyrenee. It was about 3 am. Three hours ‘til the break of dawn. They didn’t have much time.

  “Watch out for vampires in the subway,” said Cyrenee. “Manhattan’s got lots of them,” she said.

  3(4)(f). The Realm - Chapter 18 - Zorona Where Art Thou?

  Chapter 18 – Zorona Where Art Thou?

  They descended into the glowing lights of the city that never sleeps and pitched on the boardwalk on the Brooklyn Bridge.

  “Where to now?” said Adonari.

  “It is best if we fly to the Borough Hall Station in Brooklyn and take the #4 or #5 train heading for the Wall Street Station,” she said. “Follow me.” Adonari complied as they took flight.

  They landed at the Borough Hall Station.

  “We won’t get anything accomplished looking like this,” said Adonari.


  Adonari lifted up his hands and instantly transformed into a Wall Street executive with a dark-blue suit, Gucci tie and an Aston leather briefcase along with a pair of sleek squared eyeglasses. His auburn hair was combed to the side in one groove.

  “Nice touch,” said Cyrenee. “You look quite handsome indeed. Well, every executive has got to have a hot babe by his side. Right?” she said as she raised her hands and turned into an elegant J-Lo type beauty. She wore a designer business dress suit and matching earrings.

  “I think your shoes are off,” said Adonari.

  “Really?” she said looking at her feet.

  “Just kidding. You look great,” he said as she flashed a winning smile showing her pretty rows of teeth.

  “Mmmm,” she said as she rubbed her tongue across her upper row of teeth. “Much nicer than fangs.”

  They darted down the steps of the Borough Hall Station. She wobbled in her Jessica Simpson stilettos as he clutched his briefcase. They swiped their metro cards and passed through the turnstile.

  It was now 3:45 AM and not a soul was in the station except a vagabond. He stood on the platform near a column trying to catch a fly that didn’t exist. He wasn’t doing a very good job of it.

  A train flew past on the opposite tracks heading deeper into Brooklyn. That train was virtually empty.

  Within moments, their train arrived flying past where they stood on the platform. It screeched to a halt. The doors opened and Adonari and Cyrenee stepped inside.

  The train car was empty except for a young girl in a flowery Victorian dress who sat by herself at the far end of the car eating a lollipop.

  She didn’t even smile. She sang a song to herself as they walked inside. They could hardly hear her.

  “London bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. London Bridge is falling down-”

  She stopped as the train doors closed and pulled out of the station.

  Adonari and Cyrenee sat down.

  The little girl’s voice vanished and in a loud deep dark demonic tone the girl finished her song.
/>   “My fair lady.” The little girl launched her vampire fangs towards Cyrenee’s neck. Cyrenee brushed the little girl off. When Cyrenee touched her, the vampire darling felt a burn and withdrew.

  Before the vampire could mount another challenge, Adonari picked her up and slammed her against the train window.

  The train’s underground disco lights flashed ferociously as the train headed deeper under the river channel. The fight reached a fever pitch as the train reached the Bowling Green Station in Manhattan. When the doors opened, the vampire girl flew out of the doors in search of gentler victims.

  “Are you okay?” said Adonari brushing his suit of the vampire venom.

  “Yes. I’m okay,” Cyrenee said. “I’m sure more are on the late night train in search of free meals,” said Cyrenee.

  The train door opened and picked up no one or so they thought. As the train doors closed and slowly pulled away from Bowling Green, the train’s lights flickered again. Three men in long black cloaks walked in between the train cars into Adonari’s car.

  They walked towards Adonari and Cyrenee who were seated. Adonari glimpsed in between the flashing light that it was Vander and two vampires named Volen and Eduardo.

  He indeed had found Vander as The Almighty had promised. Adonari and Cyrenee looked at each other then at Vander. Their vampire fangs were hidden.

  They stood in front of Adonari and Cyrenee.

  “Good evening,” said Vander to them with a shout. The business people nodded. Adonari clutched his briefcase close to his waist as Cyrenee held Adonari arm.

  “You know it’s not too safe for decent folks like you to be on this lonely train at Four Thirty in the morning,” continued Vander in a shout.

  “We got stuck at an event trying to get home,” shouted Cyrenee.

  Eduardo reached out and stroked Cyrenee’s hair. He felt a burn and drew back his hand.

  The train pulled into Wall Street Station and came to a stop and the doors opened. Vander and his friend jumped back.

  Adonari and Cyrenee jumped up.

  “This is our stop,” she said to them as she and Adonari put up their hands and transformed into their Angelic frames.

  “Victor,” shouted Vander.

  “I’ve come for you,” said Adonari.

  Vander and his friends darted out of the train doors.

  “Come on,” said Adonari. He grabbed Cyrenee’s hand and flew through the train doors before they closed.