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  • The Realm: Box Set - Parts 1 to 5 (Realm of Angels Series, Book One) Page 11

The Realm: Box Set - Parts 1 to 5 (Realm of Angels Series, Book One) Read online

Page 11

  “Are you okay?” said Sherry.

  “Yes, I’m fine but the lady is hurt badly. I have to go,” said Ella.

  “I am there,” said Sherry.

  “Okay,” said Ella and hung up the phone. She drove straight to the Emergency Trauma Unit of the hospital.

  As she reached, a team of EMT technicians placed the woman in red on a gurney and Ella jumped out of the vehicle and followed them inside.

  The corridor smelled like a twenty megaton bleach bomb had exploded inside.

  As the EMT techs dashed along the corridor with the victim, one of the gurney wheels broke tumbling everyone to the floor in front of at T section corridor leading from the registration area of the Emergency Unit. The EMT team except one tech left to get another gurney as Ella crouched on the floor next to the accident victim.

  Lazza came dashing down the corridor.

  He spotted Agatha on the floor in her red dress and Ella and Lazza’s eyes met.

  He had come to see Agatha not realizing Ella was the driver who caused the accident.

  He came up to them and noticed that Agatha was unconscious so he switched gears.

  “Papi, how did you know I was here?” Ella said getting up and hugging him. Lazza paused.

  “Ah, my love. I saw the accident from my building but by the time I come down you were gone,” said Lazza.

  “Are you okay?” said Lazza.

  “Yes, I’m fine but-”

  Sherry ran down the corridor. Ella noticed Sherry coming whilst still in her embrace.

  Ella released Lazza and ran to Sherry.

  They hugged in the middle of the T corridor.

  “Girl, you okay?” said Sherry.

  “Yes. I’m fine but as I said the lady isn’t doing too well.”

  “Hi,” Sherry said to Lazza. Sherry looked down at the woman. “Oh my God Chica, that is the woman your man was kissing at the restaurant.”


  4(4). Short Story Series:

  (Short Story) Bloody Shabbat.


  Kinderstaag returned to his seat and propped up his feet on the table. Heinrick’s blood dripped from Kinderstaag’s boots forming a puddle on the table below where his boots were elevated.

  Kinderstaag took out a crushed cigarette from his uniform pocket. His bloody fingers held the cigarette as he put it to his lips. Kinderstaag’s lips had a trace of Heinrick’s blood on it. Kinderstaag held the cigarette between his lips as he searched for the match.

  An SS soldier rushed into the courtyard and stood in front of Kinderstaag with a salute then a stiff-armed salute.  Kinderstaag took the crushed cigarette from his lips. His lips had decorated the filter red just like an old woman’s red lipstick would do. Kinderstaag held the now reddish cigarette between his fingers.

  “What is it?” said Kinderstaag. The soldier spoke.

  “Heil Hilter,” he said extending his right hand out towards the General. Meanwhile, Commandeer Peugot wobbled back into the courtyard carrying a middle-sized pig in his two large hands.

  The pig’s squeals echoed in the courtyard deafening everyone within range. Kinderstaag glanced at the Commandeer then looked back at the soldier in front of him.

  “Yes, what it is?” Kinderstaag continued to hold the crushed cigarette between his fingers.

  “General Shroeder requests a portion of this infantry. We are marching on the outskirts of Jena. Sir the enemy Allie Forces are reported to be heading this way,” said the soldier.

  “Very well. They won’t get far. We have a solid defense wall near this town,” said Kinderstaag wincing from the squeals of the pig as The Commandeer came closer to the table.

  “Heil Hilter,” saluted the soldier as The Commandeer stopped at the table.

  “Heil Hilter,” said The Commandeer who struggled to control the squealing slippery pig in his hands. Kinderstaag threw down the cigarette.

  “Ahhhhh,” screamed Kinderstaag as he knocked the pig out of The Commandeer’s hand. The pig stumbled as Kinderstaag raised his bloodied pistol and swiftly shot it. The pig squealed louder. The bullet on grazed its bubbly fat skin.

  Kinderstaag shot the pig again. This time the bullet connected and the squeals ceased.

  “Pick him up,” said Kinderstaag to Commandeer Peugot. Commander Peugot picked up bloody pig.

  “Place him on the table,” said Kinderstaag. The Commandeer complied. Kinderstaag spoke.

  “Commandeer, take the troop to the next town and meet up with General Schroeder. I will be fine here. Just leave me with Nine SS Soldiers. I have this under control.”

  “Yes sir,” said The Commandeer as he wiped the pig guts off his hands onto his uniform.  The Commandeer shouted several directions to the SS and the lot of them marched out leaving Kinderstaag and nine soldiers behind. The Nine SS Soldiers gathered around the Jews in the middle of the courtyard near the table.

  Kinderstaag took a deep breath and looked at the pig on the table. He grabbed his ratchet knife from his waist and jammed it in the pig’s throat.  He drew the knife from its throat to its genitals. The pig split in two on the table.

  “What better way to celebrate your capture on this your blessed Shabbat than a lovely Shabbat meal,” said Kinderstaag as he laid the two halves of the pig edge to edge on the table. Kinderstaag stood behind the table pretending to be a Jewish Rabbi with his hands outstretched.

  “Please come partake” beckoned Kinderstaag with his hands towards the Jews.


  (Short Story) No Easy Day: A Fictional Account of the Mission That “Killed” Osama Bin Laden.


  “Mr. President. We are approaching the Haveli compound. ETA 10 minutes. It is 19:50 hundred hours Zulu Time. Black Hawk 2 is ahead of us. They should be on location as we speak.” said Spinner, the pilot of the modified helicopter Black Hawk 1.

  The Black Hawks were modified as stealth machines with silver-loaded infrared suppression finishes.

  “It is Mr. Cool to you, Spinner. You've forgotten my presidential code-name already?”

  Mr. Cool leaned back on his leather chair in the Situation Room of the White House.

  “We will ensure that Operation: Makeover-”

  “Soldier. Make sure I never hear you mentioning that again. This is Operation, ah, ah. Hold on,” said Mr. Cool cutting of Spinner. The President remained on the speakerphone.

  “What is the fake name of this operation again?” said Mr. Cool to Leon Panetta who was in the Situation Room as well. Mr. Cool paused on the phone.

  “Operation Geronimo, Sir.”

  “Oh yes. Operation Geronimo. Lest we forget the Geronimo. Oh sorry. That was the Alamo.

  “I stand corrected, Sir,” said Spinner.

  “The press will get an earful of this Operation Geronimo. Right Jay?” said Mr. Cool to Jay Carney, his Press Secretary, who was also in the Situation Room. Carney flashed an annoying glance at The President.

  “Sir. If I may. I think the Native-Americans are going to be upset with the use of the name Geronimo,” said Carney.


  “Yes Sir?”

  “Who am I?”

  “You're the President, Sir.”

  “No. I am the Black President of the United States of America. I can get away with it.”

  Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who sat a few chairs from the President, chuckled.

  “Yes Sir. I apologize. That is true.”

  “Black Hawk 2? Do you read me?” said Mr. Cool over the frying noise emanating from the Situation Room speakers. There was no response from Black Hawk 2.

  “Black Hawk 2? What is your status?” said Mr. Cool. They did not respond.

  “Spinner see if you can reach Black Hawk 2. We are having difficulties here,” said Mr. Cool.

  “Yes Sir, right away,” said Spinner. The members in the situation room listened intently. You could hear a nanobot on the head of a pin drop.

Hawk 2, This is Black Hawk 1. Do you read? Over and Out,” said Spinner over the speakerphone system.

  “Black Hawk 2 here. We have just arrived on location. We are having severe communication problems,” said Defender, the pilot of Black Hawk 2.

  “Sir, please hold. Information is coming in from Black Hawk 2,” said Spinner.

  “Spinner, this is Defender. We are on location but having technical difficulties with Black Hawk 2.”

  “What is happening?” said Mr. Cool.

  “Sir, I think we may have to abort the operation. It appears Team 6 is having difficulties rappelling down from Black Hawk 2,” said Spinner to Mr. Cool on speakerphone.

  “We are having extreme turbulence at this height without getting closer and it is now 20:00 hundred hours Zulu Time,” said Defender to Spinner.

  “What the hell is happening? We can't afford to abort. I can’t afford to abort,” said Mr. Cool.

  “William, say something to them,” said Mr. Cool to Vice Admiral William H. McRaven, Commander of the Joint Special Operations Command Unit who was in the Situation Room also.

  “Gentlemen, you cannot, I repeat, cannot abort the mission. I command you to land. Just as we practiced last week in Arizona. Repeat. You are commanded to land,” said the Vice Admiral.

  “Defender, this is Spinner. You are commanded to land. Repeat. You are commanded to land.  Execute the plan as is. Defender, do you hear me? Over and Out.”

  Defender did not respond.

  “Defender, do you copy?”

  Black Hawk 2 did not respond.

  “Sir, we have lost contact with Black Hawk 2,” said Spinner.

  “I see,” said Mr. Cool.

  Mr. Cool muted the speakerphone connected to the Black Hawks.

  “Dammit, Hillary. This thing has got to work. My numbers need a boost. It’s awful for the ego to be an unpopular President.”

  That’s for damn sure, thought Hillary as she stared at Mr. Cool but she didn’t say a word.

  “Sir, we are landing in part A of the Compound as instructed. Mission continued,” said Spinner.

  “Atta boys. That's what I need to hear.”

  4(5). Non-Fiction Titles:

  Jesus, I Am Ready: Developing a Servant’s Heart (Devotions for Every Day of the Year) – (Released in Monthly Segments): March 19th to 31st.


  March 29

  DO NOT TAKE YOUR LIFE. Give it to me. I know that you have questioned the importance of your life. I heard you when you asked me to rescue you from the misery. When I didn’t answer you, you took it as a sign to take matters in your own hands. The reason you did that is because the deceiver tried to make you feel that your life was worthless and that there was nothing to live for. But do not be fooled. I gave you life for a reason. You are important to me or I would not have fashioned you in the innermost parts of the earth. Tell yourself that the deceiver is already trying to kill you because he is jealous of you. He lost his position in heaven as my archangel of praise and so he is out to destroy you. Therefore why would you kill yourself and therefore help him in his mission. Determine to live and determine that inasmuch as you will get depressed or down from time to time, aborting your purpose and life is not an option.

  And Ahab told Jezebel all that Elijah had done, and withal how he had slain all the prophets with the sword.

  Then Jezebel sent a messenger unto Elijah, saying, So let the gods do to me, and more also, if I make not thy life as the life of one of them by tomorrow about this time.

  And when he saw that, he arose, and went for his life, and came to Beer–sheba, which belongeth to Judah, and left his servant there.

  But he himself went a day's journey into the wilderness, and came and sat down under a juniper tree: and he requested for himself that he might die; and said, It is enough; now, O Lord, take away my life; for I am not better than my fathers.

  And as he lay and slept under a juniper tree, behold, then an angel touched him, and said unto him, Arise and eat.

  And he looked, and, behold, there was a cake baken on the coals, and a cruse of water at his head. And he did eat and drink, and laid him down again.

  And the angel of the Lord came again the second time, and touched him, and said, Arise and eat; because the journey is too great for thee.

  1 KINGS 19:1-7

  Question for The Day – What troubles you so that you would want to give up?


  No Easy Day for Mark Owen: The Legal Brief.


  In order to appreciate this debate we need to explore what the law says about this situation. As an attorney, the primary starting point is to analyze the facts to determine what laws and/or rules apply.

  First, we are dealing with the United States government. Whenever you have conduct involving the US Federal Government or a State, then the United States Constitution applies and therefore the area of law called constitutional law.

  The United States Constitution is considered a type of covenant or contract between the American people and their government. Central guarantees in the Constitution revolve around The Bill of Rights. These rights are considered fundamental (meaning quite important) in that they speak to issues central to our liberties.

  Specifically, we are dealing with the writing and publishing of a book which would fall under the First Amendment to the United Stated Constitution; the right of freedom of speech (expression).

  The First Amendment states that “[c]ongress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” (U.S. Const. amend. I.).

  Second, according to the General Counsel of the Department of Defense, “[Matt B.] signed Non-Disclosure Agreements prior to his departure from active duty.” [15]

  Therefore, since Matt B. and the government had a contract covering the terms of his employment to the Department of Navy, then we are talking about contract law, which fall under the general heading of civil law.

  What is a contract? In layman’s terms, a contract in its simplest definition involves an agreement, promise or promises between or among parties in which if any party failed to live up to their promise, then the wronged party could obtain relief from a court of law for the breaking of that promise (the technical term is breach.)

  The relief could be in the form of money awards or a court order forcing a party to do or not to do a particular act, typically called an injunction or specific performance order.

  The courts in trying to determine what rights and duties each party has under the agreement, will look to the four corners of the document to declare what those rights and duties are and whether any party did not live up to those duties. Therefore, we will analyze the four corners of the identical agreement that Matt B. signed.

  However, it is important to note that the Non-Disclosure Agreement Form DD 1847-1 specifically states that certain other “executive orders, laws, and rules are made a part of it” and so these extra-contractual regulations also govern the rights and duties of the parties to the agreement. [16]

  Therefore in order to have a plenary (complete) analysis I will have to discuss these orders, rules and regulations as well. For now, I will just mention them. Some reading this ebook might be tempted to just glance over this list but believe me each and every law is important and we will discuss them.


  Sandy Hook Slaughter: Sandy Hook Slaughter: The Newtown Shooting and Massacre in Connecticut - Adam Lanza. Thoughts and Lessons on a Tragedy and the Coming Paradigm Shift.


  It is important that we understand the magnitude of what has transpired in Newtown, Connecticut. This tragedy is already being compared with Columbine and other rampage shootings in America’s history.

  Applying my attorney’s skills, I will outline and simplify the
gun control debate, which is a complicated legal area, as well as analyze the Asperger Syndrome medical condition so that you will have a working knowledge of the issues when trying to make sense of or discuss the matter.

  Regarding gun control, let’s take a brief look at the timeline history of such public rampages or major attacks. There has usually been a huge public outcry for gun control surrounding these major occurrences.

  1960’s - Assassinations of John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, and Martin Luther King, Jr., University of Texas Clock Tower Shootings.

  1970’s - Kent State Massacre

  1980’s - San Ysidro McDonald's Massacre

  1990’s - Columbine High School Massacre, Luby's Massacre, Brown's Chicken Massacre

  2000’s - Beltway sniper attacks, Virginia Tech Massacre, Red Lake High School Massacre, Capitol Hill Massacre

  2010’s - Tucson shooting, Sikh temple in Wisconsin, Clackamas Town Center, and now Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting.[2]

  The central governing law is the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution. It was made official in 1791 as part of the Bill of Rights. It states as follows.

  “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”[3]

  In context we understand that at the time of its making, America had a vested interest in making sure its citizens were armed because of the idea of an independent state from the Mother Country England. But those who oppose the idea of bearing arms as a right, believe that this law only existed to protect States from the Federal Government creating laws to take away the States’ rights to have a militia.

  Nevertheless, that right was considered fundamental and thus why it has become known as a fundamental right, meaning that it is considered sacred almost to the American way of life.

  Couple this with the strength of the National Rifle Association’s lobby efforts and we see why not much legislation on the federal level has successfully occurred but there were some. These are explained below and followed several brutal killings.
